🚀️ Learning Rate Evolves: Dive Deeper into ML with Us!

Learning Rate


Dear Subscribers

It’s been a long time since we last connected. I hope this message finds you well and continuously curious about the vast world of Machine Learning and MLOps. Today, I’m thrilled to announce a transformative evolution in how Learning Rate will bring you the insights and knowledge you value so much.

🧮 A New Shape to Learning

Starting next month, Learning Rate is taking a deep dive approach. Each month, we will focus on one key topic, breaking it down over four engaging newsletters. This means more clarity, more insights, and more visuals to help you truly understand and master the complexities of ML and MLOps.

  • In-depth Exploration: From foundational concepts to the latest breakthroughs, we'll cover one topic each month comprehensively.
  • Clarity and Engagement: Expect clear explanations paired with vibrant, engaging visuals that make learning not just informative but enjoyable.
  • Practical Insights: More hands-on guides, tutorials, and applications to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

An example of this approach is my BERT series on Medium. You can read my four articles to get a sense of what this new approach to learning will resemble:

🤔️ Why This Change?

I believe in the power of focused learning. Diving deep into one subject at a time allows for a richer understanding and a more rewarding learning experience. It's about quality, not just quantity. In the fast-paced world of ML and MLOps, slowing down the learning process can, counterintuitively, enhance understanding and outcomes.

My favorite example supporting this narrative involves breaking news. You should avoid reading breaking news articles immediately. Instead, wait a day or two. Good reporters will complete their investigations, gather all necessary information and resources, and write a comprehensive article that presents every aspect of the matter at hand. Indeed, reading a breaking news article might take only two to three minutes, whereas reading a detailed essay on the topic could consume a significant portion of your day. However, by the end of the day, which approach has truly informed you better? And, in the long run, which will you remember?

My motto? In a fast-paced world, slow down. Everything that you need to know, you will.

🧳️ We're Just Getting Started

This is just the beginning of a new chapter for Learning Rate. Your feedback, as always, will be invaluable as we move forward together. Thank you for your continuous support and curiosity. Subscribe or stay subscribed to be part of this evolving learning adventure. Let's stay at the forefront of Machine Learning and MLOps.

Warm regards,


Learning Rate

Thank you for your support! It keeps the doors open and the wheels rolling.
Photo by Rock'n Roll Monkey on Unsplash​



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Learning Rate

Each month, we break down a key ML topic with clarity and engaging visuals. Subscribe for in-depth insights and stay at the forefront of Machine Learning and MLOps.

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